on Friday, May 1, 2020

Orthman cultivators cut through the toughest high-residue conditions — fast
Orthman cultivators are built to handle tough high-residue conditions common in strip-till and no-till applications. The wrench-free depth adjustment lets you adapt to several different field conditions, and nutrient placement side-dressing options for liquid or NH3 fertilizers allow for dual operations in a single pass. Advanced features such as precision sweeps kill weeds while keeping residue cover intact. And, you can order an Orthman cultivator just the way you like it, with multiple sweep, blade and ridging wing options - just talk to your LandMark salesman today!
With an Orthman Cultivator you get:

9300 - Orthman’s top-of-the-line cultivator does it all and does it right
8315 - Heavy-duty strength in a compact cultivator
8450 - Strong and cost-effective cultivation
8375 - The industry’s most versatile tool
See your local LandMark Implement location today for more information on finding an Orthman Cultivator that fits your farming and agronomic practices. Make your last pass count!