on Thursday, March 7, 2019

LandMark Implement Inc., an authorized John Deere dealer, has recently received two from the John Deere Ag and Turf division in the Leaders Club Program and the Aftermarket Achievers Program.
John Deere awards the top 35 dealers in the U.S. and Canada with LandMark Implement qualifying as a top 10 dealer in both award programs achieving the market share thresholds and superior aftermarket performance requirements.
These awards represent the highest honor to be awarded to dealers nationwide and recognize superior operational, market, and customer support performance.
LandMark Implement, Inc. has locations in Nebraska and Kansas and employees over 350 people. LandMark takes great pride in providing excellent product support to the producers of this region. Andy Grollmes, LandMark Implement CEO, stated “LandMark is honored to receive these awards. We sincerely appreciate the support of our customer base and we are proud of our employees’ hard work and commitment to our organization, and our customers.”
Article from Daily Sun