This Event has expired.
Feb 01, 2024 at 8:45 AM - 4:15 PM
Buffalo County Fairgrounds
3807 Avenue N
Kearney, NE 68847(map)

Join us at our Sprayer Clinic
January 31 - February 1, 2024
8:45 am - 4:15 pm each day
Buffalo County Fairgrounds EXPO Building
Kearney, Nebraska
No registration required.
We understand it may be difficult to step away from your operation for a full day, so we have made our clinic days more flexible. You select which date works for you and then choose to attend any, or all, of the eight sessions offered that day. You can attend all sessions in one day, or come and go to sessions on different days as best fits your schedule.
Lunch and afternoon refreshments will be provided both days. We encourage you to join us at the end of each session day at our clinic reception for food, beverages and time to visit with our LandMark team.

Working on mapping out your schedule for the day? Click here to download descriptions of each class.
LandMark employees and vendor representatives will be available to answer questions as well as demonstrate how their products can enhance your operations profits with increased efficiency.
SurePoint Ag specializes in providing solutions for the control and application of liquid and dry fertilizer, seed and chemical. Demonstrations of the SurePoint QuickDraw System and Fertilizer System will take place in the East dirt arena and will run any time throughout the two day event. Ask a LandMark team member for a demo at the clinic or join one of the QuickDraw classes in Classroom 8.
NORAC products lead the industry in accuracy by maximizing application deposition. The system will keep the boom at an entered, preset height, allowing chemicals to be applied in an optimum spray pattern. With NORAC, you’re maximizing your inputs through consistent application and reduced spray drift.
New Leader wherever accuracy and productivity are important, you’ll find New Leader dry spreaders. Their precision application equipment is designed for situations where the precise placement of nutrients is essential.
B&B Engineered Lube Systems - Lincoln is the industry’s leading provider of lubrication and specialized fluid pumping products, systems and service.
- by DWE produces a full line of Monitor Rails, Display Mounts, 2-Way Radio Mounts, and Shelf packages for Tractors, Sprayers, Combines, and Windrowers.
Pentair Hypro will cover how the nozzle on your spray boom can be the difference between a good or great year. By selecting the right spray nozzle for your application, you can significantly decrease spray drift and control the amount of coverage desired.
To apply any form of Dicamba in 2024, it is mandatory that all operators attend a certification class. Certification is provided by Bayer. The state of Kansas will also accept this certification, but it will be the operator’s responsibility to have record of attendance.